How to activate WhatsApp Video Calling Feature WhatsApp released its video calling feature (beta phase) long back however there are still a few who don't know or are not aware how to use/activate this feature. As of now, when you try calling someone using WhatsApp, its directly a voice call, isn't it? So here's a solution to activate your WhatsApp video calling: - Open your playstore on mobile & then search for "WhatsApp Messenger" - When you see the search result, click on WhatsApp messenger - This will show a page where it says "Uninstall & Open" - Don't click on any of the option. Just scroll down at the bottom of the page. - Towards the end, you will see an option called, "Become a beta tester" with options like "Learn More & I'm in". - Click "I'm in" - Once you have clicked, it was ask for a confirmation, "Join beta program?", then click "Joi...
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